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+ 1.74%
RankNamePriceChange 24hMarket CapVolume 24hDetails
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#279 Ardor Statistics

price $0.10market cap $98,960,898.00volume 24h $9,433,224.00percent change 1h $-1.41percent change 24h $1.74percent change 7d $-4.58circulating supply $998,466,233.75total supply $998,466,231.00roi $169.88

Ardor cryptocurrency price, ARDR(ardor)/USDT exchanges list

Ardor is a multi-blockchain project that uses a parent-child architecture to provide developers with a unique combination of functions and security. The Ardor parent network provides a secure base chain, while the "child chains" that branch off from the parent network are free to communicate with each other. Subsidiary chains can be easily removed from the Ardor infrastructure when they are no longer needed, which reduces block chain bloat and provides users with faster transactions. Each Subsidiary chain has its own token. Ardor uses a Proof-of-Stake consensus that reduces the energy required for the project to work. It has been developed to enable any business to create and programm solutions with various functions.