Exchange ETC to ETH online

Here you can exchange ETC to ETH at the best rate on the crypto market.

Exchange ETC to ETH online

Here you can exchange ETC to ETH at the best rate on the crypto market.

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You get
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0.0010465 BTC
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9 minutes ago

1.1899798 ETH
Exchange ETH to XMR

14 minutes ago

0.6762329 LTC
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20 minutes ago

9.05 XMR
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27 minutes ago

0.0010465 BTC
Exchange BTC to XMR

9 minutes ago

1.1899798 ETH
Exchange ETH to XMR

14 minutes ago

0.6762329 LTC
Exchange LTC to XMR

20 minutes ago

How to exchange ETC to ETH?

<p>A short guide on how to make the exchange in 4 simple steps</p>

  • how

    Select the cryptocurrency pair and type down the ETC amount1


    Choose ETC in the “You send” section. Next, enter the amount of ETC you would like to exchange. Then select ETH in the “You get” section. Click the Exchange button.

  • Enter your ETH destination addresses


    Now you need to enter the recipient’s ETH address. Your ETH coins will be sent to this address right after the exchange. Create an exchange.

  • Transfer ETC to the address provided by Quickex


    In order to proceed the efficient and reliable swap, the deposit is required. On the exchange page, you will see the address to send the indicated amount of ETC to continue your ETC/ETH swap.

  • Check your ETH wallet to see the deposited amount


    Once we get your deposit, we will convert it, which might take a while. We will then send the ETH to the wallet address you provided for receiving it.

Trusted Crypto Exchange

Trustpilot 4.3 out of 5
TrustScore 4.3 out of 5
BestChange 1340 score

Why exchange ETC to ETH on Quickex?

Fast Transactions

100+ Crypto Pairs

24/7 Support

Comprehensive Security

About Quickex

Quickex is one of the best platforms that enables you to exchange digital currency and check the market value of currency pairs. Use our quick converter and calculator without overpaying exaggerated fees and commissions. All tools necessary for investing in ETC or ETH are at your service. Quickex converter works around the clock providing purchase and exchange services to any customer looking to buy or sell cryptocurrency safely, conveniently, and at a favorable rate.

You can always count on the offer for ETC and ETH as our Calculator fetches the best price based on the orders placed on the world’s leading cryptocurrency exchanges in real-time. Swap ETH for ETC or vice versa at a fair rate with no delays and instantly get it into your crypto wallet. The Calculator will help you recalculate the current exchange ratio of the currency pair and make the right decision on your investments and transfers on the spot.

Exchanging ETC to ETH: transaction fees and procedure

With Quickex, you exchange ETC for ETH at the real-time exchange rate. Our exchange services have no extra fees or hidden interest costs. Transactions are completed quickly and usually take about 5-10 minutes. Keep in mind that by choosing a floating rate, you agree that during the exchange the price ratio of the currency pair may change.

After you enter the amount of funds you want to exchange and enter the recipient's cryptocurrency wallet address, our service will provide you with an address to transfer the specified amount ETC. ETH will be transferred immediately after we receive your ETC.

Exchanging ETC for any other coins

Quickex is one of the best platforms that enables you to exchange digital currency and check the market value of currency pairs. Use our quick converter and calculator without overpaying exaggerated fees and commissions. All tools necessary for investing in ETC or ETH are at your service.

Quickex converter works around the clock providing purchase and exchange services to any customer looking to buy or sell cryptocurrency safely, conveniently, and at a favorable rate.

What is ETC and ETH?

ETC (Ethereum Classic): Ethereum Classic (ETC) is a decentralized platform supporting smart contracts that emerged from the hardfork of the original Ethereum network. ETC aims to preserve the immutability of the blockchain by providing decentralized contract execution. Benefits of using Ethereum Classic: Immutability: Unlike Ethereum, Ethereum Classic adheres to the principle of "code is law" and does not alter the history of the blockchain. Decentralization: ETC supports full decentralization and autonomy without external interference. Compatibility: ETC supports smart contracts and dApps, similar to Ethereum. ETH (Ethereum): Ethereum (ETH) is an open-source blockchain platform that supports smart contracts and decentralized applications (dApps). Ether (ETH) is a cryptocurrency used to pay for transactions and computations on the Ethereum platform. Benefits of using Ethereum: Smart Contracts: Ethereum allows the creation and execution of smart contracts that automate the execution of agreements without third parties. dApps: Ethereum supports many decentralized applications running on its blockchain. Ecosystem: Ethereum has one of the largest and most active ecosystems among all blockchain platforms. How to swap ETC to ETH? Step-by-step exchange guide: Select the desired cryptocurrencypair. Make sure ETC and ETH are selected. Enter the amount of ETC. Enter the exact amount of ETC to exchange for ETH. Select the type of exchange rate. Fixed or floating rate can be selected. Click the exchange button. Start the exchange process. Enter the address of your Ethereum wallet. Enter the address of your ETH wallet. Send ETC to the specified address. Follow the instructions for the transfer. Receive ETH. After the transaction is confirmed, ETH will be credited to your wallet. How ETC to ETH Exchange Works? Quickex is a modern global cryptocurrency exchange service that provides instant ETC to ETH exchange at the best exchange rate. Users can exchange without registration and additional fees. To exchange ETC to ETH, visit, select the desired pair and view available exchange rates. Users can rate instant exchanges on various parameters including transaction speed, matching the expected rate, partner support, user reviews, and more. Additionally, Quickex price calculator scans multiple exchangers to get the best real ETC to ETH exchange rates. Fixed and Floating Rates: Fixed rate: You will receive the exact amount specified in the "you will receive" field when you create the exchange. Our commission will be 1% + network commission. No hidden fees. The exchange rate is fixed for 12 minutes. If the exchange rate changes by more than 1.3% before the transaction is detected on the blockchain network, you will be asked to make a refund or exchange at the market rate. Floating rate: The rate is not fixed until the funds are received and the exchange begins. Our commission is 0.5% + network commission. No hidden fees. Exchange takes place at the market rate at the moment of crediting funds to our service account. Why exchange ETC to ETH on Quickex? Best Rates: We show the best offers from reliable exchange providers. Choose the best offer for your cryptocurrency pair! Higher Security: We check exchangers for the risk of frozen funds. Your funds will definitely reach you. Our users have trusted us for over 6 years! 24/7 Live Support: Do you have questions? We have the answers. Quickex offers personalized support to every user. We are here to help you around the clock. 50+ Currencies Available: On Quickex, it's hard not to find the cryptocurrency you need. Fast: Get any of the supported cryptocurrencies in minutes with a few clicks and at the best rates on the market. Other options to buy Ethereum Classic: Don't want to exchange ETH for ETC? Our exchange service offers many other cryptocurrencies. Choose any pair of cryptocurrencies and take advantage of our favorable rates, fast transactions and accurate exchange amounts! (List of crypto pairs) Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ): How long does it take to exchange ETC to ETH? Usually the exchange takes less than 10 minutes, depending on the speed of transaction confirmation in the blockchain network. Are there any hidden fees? No, we do not charge hidden fees. All fees are clearly stated before you start the exchange. Do I need to register for the exchange? No, registration is not required. You can exchange cryptocurrency anonymously. Can I cancel my exchange? Cancellation is possible before you send the funds to the address provided. Once sent, the exchange cannot be canceled. What should I do if I have a problem with an exchange? You can contact our 24/7 support team and we will help you solve any problem.